Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Oh hello.

Hello! Thank you for reading. As mentioned in the previous post, I've started this blog a tad late into the trip, so I figured I'd fill in about the basics of my trip.

Where i'm living:
A giant apartment complex, several blocks from the university. It came with a television, mini-fridge, and a few items of furniture (luckily including a bed).

Everyone owns a bike, and the majority of the time, if you need to get anywhere (except for very large distances), you bike there. Otherwise, people take some form of public transit, such as the tram or bus. The cars you do see are usually a fraction of the length of cars in the US.
On the right side of the picture is a multi-floor parking garage for bikes, right outside of central station.

The University:
I am actually attending 2 different schools right now: the VU (Vrije Universiteit, or Free University), and the University of Amsterdam. The VU is about a 10 minute bike ride from where I live, and UvA is about a 30 minute bike ride away. I'm taking a few different Comp. Sci. classes, and a class taught by a prof from calvin about the Netherlands history and culture.
Both of the schools are really interesting and modern-looking.

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