Thursday, April 28, 2011

Product Placement! Flips and Tricks!

April 15
In keeping with my plan to visit a lot of museums, on Friday I went to the Rijksmuseum with the other Matt (from Calvin). The Rijksmuseum is a dutch art and culture museum with paintings by Rembrandt, Vermeer, and a bunch of other artists. I'm not a huge fan of the Rembrandt paintings that I've seen - the paintings are obviously really good, but I don't find them very exciting. I don't have any pictures of the inside of the museum, because my camera's battery was almost dead (and photography was prohibited).

After the museum, Matt and I went to find a Subway. When not getting lost downtown or toiling away at my studies, I have been watching the tv show Chuck throughout the semester. It is about a computer nerd working a dead-end IT job who, one night, has a bunch of top-secret spy things downloaded into his brain. Its a pretty good show, but apparently didn't have a large enough viewer base to keep going through advertiser support.   Subway ended up taking a large sponsorship role in the show, and so in the later few seasons, there is a LOT of obvious product placement for subway. As such, I have developed a craving for subway over the past couple weeks- luckily there are several Subway restaurants around the city.
I've had better sandwiches, but having one after craving it for weeks is really satisfying.  It was also cool eating "American" food.
Matt and I eating our sandwiches.
That night, I went to a local(well, 40 minute bike ride) gymnastics place to work on flips and stuff to add to my dancing. Much like the amsterdam bboy scene, the trickers/free runners in amsterdam are experienced and talented, and so its a helpful place to learn.  I've practiced before at a gymnastics spot in GR called Aerials and Baranis, which can be a good spot to practice. However, its often overcrowded - there simply isn't enough space there for everyone to do their own thing comfortably. I always feel like I'm about to step on a small child at Aerials, but the dutch spot is huge.

After hanging out and talking to people from the gym for a while, I biked home and got back around 11. 'Twas a good day.

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