Tuesday, May 24, 2011

More paris! More windmills! Baby eating lions!

 Friday, May 6
After doing some more trip planning on one of the computers in the hostel, I attempted again to find the free walking tour.  According to the map I had, they were supposed to meet right by the Moulin Rouge, a dance/concert hall in the north of Paris that apparently was the birthplace of the can-can and striptease dancing.  It is also notable for having a large red windmill on its roof, which I find less interesting, since I see windmills all the time in Holland. Although I found the area, I failed again at meeting up with the free walking tour group, so I decided to head out on my own.

Heading south, I walked by the Eglise de la Sainte-Trinite, a 140 year old Catholic church, and made my way over to the louvre (still free!), because I didn't have enough time to check out the 3rd floor on the previous day.   The floor contained mainly french, dutch, and flemish art.

And this.  I saw this.
Since I was planning on having this be my last day in Paris, I continued hitting up the various tourist attractions/historical monuments:  I walked to the Grand Palais, Petit Palais, and the Musee de l'armee. Next, I wanted to check out the Cathedral of Notre Dame.  On the way, I passed through the Jardin du luxembourg, a nice park which contained the original model of the statue of liberty.

The musee de l'armee.  I though it was pretty cool how the shadow was dividing the building right in half.

Depicted - the notre dame church that
WASN'T in the disney movie.

It took a while to make it through the labyrinth that is the street layout of paris, but I eventually made it over to Notre Dame.  Upon arriving, I wasn't that impressed - it just seemed like a normal, old church - definitely not deserving of being the subject of an entire novel or Disney movie. I later realized that just as there are multiple statues of liberty in paris, there are multiple notre dames, and I ended up at the lame one (doesn't even have a wikipedia page!). Heading back that night, I also passed by the July Column monument to the French Revolution.

Another bboy picture, this time in the musee de l'armee.  
Entirely unrelated song post:
To continue with the theme of cool Canadian musicians (I put up a song by rapper Kyprios in my last post), theres this cool dubstep/electro band I've been listening to lately called Zeds Dead, from toronto.  The song here is a remix of a track by the foo fighters.

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