Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Transportation: Its the worst.

This isn't going to be a long post, but i just wanted to post a quick update about my bike, since I wrote about it earlier in the semester.
This entire semester, I have hated the clunker with a fiery passion, but it has managed to get me where I needed to go.  BUT.  It finally broke down on me to a point beyond repair - one of the arms (or should I say tines?) of the front fork snapped as I was on my way to a barbecue.  This last spiteful, dying act of my bike was successful, as I was not able to make the barbecue, but instead had to find a way home.

Several days later, I returned with a plan.  I didn't want to perform expensive repairs on a bike that I would only have until the rest of the semester, so I wanted to use a combination of an energy drink can and duct tape to set the fork in place.
I laid the cut up can along the duct tape and wrapped that around the fork, so that the can would provide stability.

Flawless plan, yeah?

I was able to make it roughly a quarter of a mile before my solution failed, and I was forced to think of an alternative.  I went to the local bike shop and was told that it would be 25 euros (approximately 37 dollars) to fix. This price wasn't too bad, but I decided to keep my options open before I paid for the fix.  After doing some research, I found a bike available on markplaats.nl, the dutch version of craigslist, for 25 euros!  Without much conflict, I took the metro over to the sellers house, and purchased the new bike.  This bike isn't brand new, but is definitely an improvement!
Tulip field included with the purchase of bike.

Entirely unrelated song post:
Another drum and bass track by Ruby my dear.  It samples the intro track from Lupe Fiasco's album "The Cool".
The Dreaming Tree by Ruby My Dear

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